History – Biloxi Housing Authority

The Biloxi Housing Authority opened on May 26, 1939. For over 80 years, the Biloxi Housing Authority has been the agency for affordable and public housing for the citizens of Biloxi Mississippi, proudly serving our mission to develop, support and sustain safe quality affordable housing communities, and to encourage self-sufficiency. Our vision is to enhance lives by creating strong communities, empowering residents, and building partnerships. The Biloxi Housing Authority contracts with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide quality affordable housing to low and moderate-income residents in the city of Biloxi.
The Biloxi Housing Authority is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Biloxi and confirmed by the Biloxi City Council.
The Executive Director is responsible for the implementation of the policies established by the Board of Commissioners, as well as the daily operations, assets, and employees of the BHA.
The Biloxi Housing Authority (BHA) owns and manages 11 affordable housing complexes in Biloxi, Mississippi, which comprise a combined total of 908 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Project Based Voucher units (of the 908 RAD units, 222 are also Low Income Housing Tax Credit LIHTC units). The Rental Assistance Demonstration Program, known as “RAD”, is a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which was created in order to give public housing authorities “a powerful tool to preserve and improve public housing properties”. Under the RAD program, public housing units were converted to a Section 8 platform with a long-term contract which must be renewed by HUD. This ensures that units remain as permanent affordable housing. The residents continue to pay 30% of their income.
In addition to managing the 11 BHA affordable housing sites, BHA administers a total of 65 affordable market rate units, 444 Tenant Based Housing Choice Vouchers, 158 VASH vouchers and 117 Project Based Non-RAD Vouchers, along with 50 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) units.
In addition to the housing provided to our residents, the Biloxi Housing Authority, through partnerships with service providers, includes as amenities on its properties:
- An Adult Day Care at Gulf Shore Villas
- A Computer Lab with Homework Assistance offered at Suncoast Villas
- An Assisted Living Property at Seashore Oaks
- A Free Health Clinic at Suncoast Villas
- Coast Transit Bus Stops for ease of transportation, and
- Numerous referral services through our Community and Supportive Services team for everything from GED to Homebuyer Education Services.